Full Guide to Invasion Kits

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Invader has been invading cities for over 2 decades, placing his mosaics of classic video games in witty places all over the world. But did you know there is a way for you to own an Invader yourself?


What is it?

Invasion Kits are a limited edition ready-to-use Space Invaders published by the street artist, Invader. They are pre-packaged sets with materials and instructions, which allow owners to create their pixelated-styled mosaics. Inspired by the Space Invaders, Invader captured the essence of nostalgia and playfulness found in an arcade by incorporating it in his invasions.

This product shows Invader’s approach to art in a playful and classy way, making art into a game that everyone can play and take part in, capturing Invader’s desire to make art an engaging experience for everyone.

Invader’s Invasion Kits are numbered from 1 to 18, with the newest one being released in 2018. They are often called DIY versions of the artist’s ceramic mosaics, as they are replicas of those that have been installed in the real world. They are produced in the studio and sold in the Space Shop for only a limited amount of time.

Invasion Kit #1 Albinos (2002)




These tiles are the primary building blocks of the mosaics. Small and square ceramic tiles in various colors are used

Design Templates

Patterns and designs that show how to arrange the tiles to create specific Invader characters or other pixelated images


Detailed assembly instructions with step-by-step guides on the mosaic assembly

Adhesive Materials

Glue or other adhesive products that help in fixing the tiles onto surfaces

Invasion Kit #16 FlashInvaders (2014)




Invader Kits enable fans and aspiring artists to create their very own mosaics, spreading the Space Invader aesthetic and ethos


Invader invites everyone to participate in his invasion of urban environments, creating a broader community of street artists


The kits help expand the reach of Invader’s art beyond his installations, allowing the invasion concept to proliferate globally


Invader kits give everyone, even those who aren’t masters of art, to own a mosaic assembled by themselves

Invasion Kit #3 Hollywoodee (2004)


How to Display?

1. Select a Location

Choose a suitable surface in a public or private space where you want to install the mosaic

2. Prepare the Surface

Clean the area to ensure the tiles will adhere properly

3. Layout the Design

Use the design template to arrange the tiles in the correct pattern

4. Apply Adhesive

Follow the instructions to apply the adhesive and fix the tiles in place

5. Finish and Maintain

Ensure the mosaic is securely attached and make any final adjustments. Maintenance may be required to keep the mosaic in good condition after a while

Invader Kit #6 Runner (2007)


Impact of Invasion Kits

Cultural Spread

Invasion Kits have contributed to the spread of Invader’s art across the globe, with installations appearing in numerous cities around the world

Community Building

The publication of invasion kits fosters a sense of community among fans and aspiring artists with the original artist, who share an appreciation for pixel and urban art

Artistic Education

These kits serve as educational tools, teaching people about mosaic art, street art, and the cultural significance of classic video games

Invasion Kit #10 Paris (2009)



Invasion Kits are a unique and interactive way for Invader to engage with his audience. It allows fans to become co-creators in his artistic invasion of urban spaces. They reflect the playful and participatory nature of his work, inviting a wider audience to take part in the street art movement.


Note: This blog post is a tribute to Invader's work and aims to provide an overview of his Invasion Kits. For more information, visit Space Invaders, Invader's official website. Comment down your thoughts below.

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Invader’s Paris 2024 Olympic Games Mosaic


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