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Eminem’s 5 most emotional songs

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Source: Eminem’s River Music Video


Over the years, Eminem has released many many songs. Some humorous, some genius, some intense. However, a side of Eminem we do not get to see as much as his emotional side. Though you may know him by his crazy fast flows, rhyme schemes, and lyrical masterclass, he has released heartfelt songs that have touched many worldwide. In this blog post, we will be taking a look at some Eminem songs that have made us all emotional and teary-eyed.

Disclaimer: We will not be able to cover every single emotional song in Eminem’s discography, so we’ve picked out a few we wanted to share. Comment down below other emotional songs we’ve missed!

5. Leaving Heaven (feat. Skylar Grey)

This song is the 9th song in Eminem’s 2020 album Music To Be Murdered By. In this song, Eminem talks about his struggles in his childhood. In the first 2 verses, he gives examples of some of his struggles, for instance getting jumped when he was five or six, getting his tricycle stolen by them, and being kicked around countless times as a child. But Eminem was that one percent who overcame everything that came his way and became what he is today.

Eminem’s father reading about his son in a music magazine | Source: The Sun

However, in the final verse, Eminem ramps up the intensity of the song. He tells how he had nothing, scraping by with cents. He then goes into how his dad left him when he was one year old, asking him where he was when he was hurt badly, and calling him a coward for never meeting his grandkids.

His father had always ignored him as a child, and only when Eminem made it big did his father plea to meet his son. Of course, it can be seen why Eminem refused to meet him after all those years. Eminem ends the song by asking to leave heaven so he can go to hell and whip his dad’s ass, fully displaying his hatred for his father.

4. When I’m gone

When I’m Gone is a single by Eminem released in December 6, 2005. In this song, Eminem writes to his family, primarily his daughter Hailie Jade, but also his ex-wife Kim Scott.

Eminem and his daughter Hailie Jade | Source: Eminem.Pro

Eminem talks about how much he loves them but regrets spending little time with them in pursuit of his career as a rapper. He details a recurring dream of his daughter trying to stop him from leaving the house, but it's just Eminem staring into the mirror. When Eminem wants to correct his mistakes, telling himself to make amends with his daughter, he walks out onto a stage and starts performing in Sweden. As he leaves the stage, he sees his daughter, and her crying and complaining about his obsession with work and addiction to drugs. He finally realizes his mistakes, so he kills his alter ego, “Slim Shady,” who’s been central to his rap career, and wakes up from his dream. In the end, he runs over and hugs his wife Kim, and his daughter Hailie Jade looks at him and winks. 

3. Headlights ft. Nate Ruess

This song is part of Eminem’s 2013 The Marshall Mathers LP2 album. Eminem apologizes to his mother in this song for all the hurtful things he has said and done to his mother.

Eminem reflects on his past, though he and his mother are currently estranged, he regrets writing hurtful songs, including “Cleaning Out My Closet”. Eminem remembers the hard times he had to endure with his mother, including his “deadbeat dad” whom he never met, they should be in this together. He hopes his mother will accept this tribute he wrote, and thanks her for being “my mom and my dad”.

It’s always emotional to see families being torn down. But what makes this song special, is despite their public falling out, Eminem has been able to mature and realize that what he did to his mother all those years ago was wrong and was man enough to apologize to his mother.

2. Somebody Save Me

Evan McClintock, Hailie Jade Scott (Eminem’s daughter), Nate Mathers (Eminem’s little brother), Alaina Marie Scott (Eminem’s little brother) and Matt Moeller (from left to right)
Source: Hailie Jade / Instagram

This song comes from Eminem’s new concept album, The Death of Slim Shady (Coup de Grâce). In this song, Eminem dives into a hypothetical situation of Eminem succumbing to his drug addiction.

As Eminem mentioned many times in the past, he was once addicted to drugs. His addiction was so severe, that in 2007 he overdosed and nearly died. Therefore, in the song, he talks about how he is undeserving of his “father” title, missing out on all the things his daughters and little brother have accomplished. That’s of course, if he actually died from his drug overdose.

It leaves us as listeners to imagine a reality where Eminem did die from that drug overdose, how sad and emotional it must be to know that this version of things Eminem regrets over almost did come to be.

1. Mockingbird

In this song, Eminem writes to his daughters, Hailie Jade and adopted daughter Alaina (Lainie), though mainly to Hailie.

In the first verse, Eminem tells his daughters to stay strong, telling them that “we’re all we got in this world”. Though it may seem puzzling to the kids why Eminem is always on the move, why their mother is always on the news, and why they are always arguing, he tells them to go to sleep and maybe they’ll wake up and it was all just a dream.

In the second verse, Eminem tells multiple stories about how broke they once were, with Eminem not being able to buy Christmas presents and how their houses were always broken into. He then talks about his relationship with Hailie’s mother falling apart and how his rap career taking off further took a toll on their relationship. He apologizes to his daughter for witnessing their arguments and reminisces about the old times when Hailie was still a baby. Eminem then proceeds to shush them, telling them that Mommy is only gone for a moment.

This song reflects how a toxic relationship can not only affect the couple but also the children involved. It brings us through Eminem’s personal life, and how his attempts to be a good father ultimately backfire on him. 


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